Troop 333 Day Camp–July 23-26
Troop 333 is holding a scout skills day camp from Thursday, July 23–Sunday, July 26 at Avon United Methodist Church pavilion. Scouts will be able to earn rank advancements, merit badges, and learn or teach valuable skills. There is no cost to attend any or all of the camp. Scouts will need to bring a backpacking lunch on Saturday, as well as a water bottle, sunscreen, appropriate footwear, and face masks.
The tentative schedule for the event can be found here:
Scouts and their families are encouraged to attend our opening campfire and crossover ceremony on Thursday evening at 7 PM, and the Troop Court of Honor and closing campfire at 5 PM on Sunday. On Thursday, we will be welcoming our newest scouts who are crossing over from Cub Scout Pack 333, and on Sunday we will recognize all of our scouts who have earned rank advancement, merit badges, or other awards since our last Court of Honor. Families should plan to wear masks and bring lawn chairs to set up in a socially distant manner.